2025 tuition
Fee Structure
Below is a breakdown of our payment options, as well as once-off fees:
Entrance Fee (non-refundable): R 3000
Annual once-off levy: R1750

Important Info
Payments should be made by electronic transfer – strictly NO CASH
Name: The Parks Pre-Primary
Bank: Nedbank
Branch: 197 005
Account Number: 1944 138 382
Reference: Child’s name & surname & fees (e.g. Botho Swazi fees)
This includes the following:
- Music and Dance
- Eye screening
- Hearing screening
- Hats
- Baking activities
- Security & Access control
- Stationery
- Toiletries
- Outings
- Selected educational shows
- Special Day celebrations (Valentine’s Day, Easter Egg hunt, Heritage Day braai)
- Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts
- ISASA Affiliation fees
A full term’s notice of the child leaving the school must be given to the school in writing before the close of the preceding term otherwise the school shall be entitled to recover the full term’s fees in lieu thereof. For the avoidance of doubt, and by way of example, should notice be given midway through the second term, then the third term’s fees will be due and payable in full. Should notice be given prior to commencement of the second term, then only the second term’s fees will be due and payable